SHRC Volunteer Opportunities:
Administrative Duties
(Front Desk and In office)
Property Maintenance
• Help with restoration of property
• Maintain landscaping (Butterfly Gardens)
• Painting
SFSP Service
• Meal prep & serving
• Cleanup
Our Facility
As one of the oldest recreation centers in Shelby County and the oldest recreation facility in Raleigh (built in1965), SHRC has been recognized by the Memphis Landmark Commission for its historical origin. Over the past fifty-four (54) years, the demographic service area has experienced cultural changes; therefore, we are committed to growing and adapting our center to meet the community’s emerging needs.
AfS Inc. intends to enhance future development of Scenic Hills Recreation Center (SHRC) as a means to generate resources for the community and facilitate it's charitable programs. SHRC is a vintage outdoor facility. The development of our multipurpose complex facility will introduce a combined nonprofit organization effort into the community that will provide a plethora of free resources for community access. To meet the greater needs, we are seeking financial assistance to help us further our mission of Developing the Community, Building Families, Restoring Hope and ultimately Changing Lives. Such an alliance will provide definition to our slogan “Christians Making a Difference”.